Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 269: Fasciinatiion - The Faint

Sorry about the horribly lit picture! I'm starting to want to buy a nice camera so the photos I take later in the day will no longer look like crap.

The Faint is an awesome indie rock band from Omaha. I first heard of them because they showed up on a mix cd that an ex-boyfriend gave me. He's not the first ex to populate my music collection; I'm entirely dependent on other people for discovering new music.

My biggest influence is one of my good friends whose name happens to be Emily. Her music knowledge is vast and she also has fantastic taste. I can count on her to recommend something good whenever I need new music. She just started a music blog called This Ain't Art and you should totally check it out.

Status: Donated


  1. Omaha has an amazing music scene. Even as someone from Kansas, where I should know better, this still never ceases to delight and surprise me. I've never been there as an adult to compare their venues to Portland or Seattle, but it would be an interesting adventure. Seattle has a lot more venues, probably leftover from the 90s (quantity), but I've always felt that the fewer venues in Portland have better and better-attended venues (quality).

  2. Omaha has only a handful of music venues - and almost no population of music fans in the city (did you find in Kansas that liking music was something you were fairly strongly encouraged to grow out of? I thought that was true of Nebraska....). There are lots of excellent musicians there, there are lots of excellent bands there, but they almost never play out in Nebraska (they go on tour!) One of the music venues - the Slowdown - is part of condo complex/neighborhood that was built in the last couple of years called the "Saddle Creek" neighborhood.

    However, there might be a like, bitchin' house party scene I was never able to break into when I lived out there.

    (Oh, and I think most of Seattle's legendary 90s venues are mostly gone, but I think that Seattle's huge number of shitty music venues, along without having a really centralized arts district, allow them all to survive...)

  3. Can I give this a listen? If I like it, consider it dibbed.

  4. Of course! It's on the coffee table :)
