Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 258: 366 Delicious Ways To Cook Rice, Beans, and Grains

I bought this in attempt to improve my diet. I haven't made a single recipe from it. The best improvement to my diet has been a result of my spinach smoothies and my community supported agriculture box. Unfortunately, one CSA box is a lot for one person. I am ashamed to say that a lot of my produce has gone to waste. On the other hand, I've found a lot more uses for it! And I have a lot of blanched and frozen green beans.

Status: Dibbed


  1. I'll try it :3 I love cookbooks, and have never lived without a rice cooker @_@

  2. If you cut up the veggies/fruits into small pieces, you can freeze them in ziplocks to use later on. It saves them from going bad.

  3. Looks like this one has been dibbed, but status says available?
