Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 103: Cast Iron tea kettle

I desired a cast iron tea pot for years before I finally picked one up at City Kitchens. It just seemed like the kind of thing a heavy tea drinker like me should own. I don't take tea consumption seriously or anything but I pretty much only drink water, tea, and cocktails.

Unfortunately these things take a little more effort than I realized. It is important to preheat the kettle with hot water to prevent it from leeching out all the heat from your batch of tea. Also it is opaque so I kept forgetting to remove the tea leaves until I rediscovered them weeks later. I don't want to go in to details as to what happened to the strainer but it became necessary to toss it.

Without a strainer the poor tea pot fell in to disuse until I discovered how great it was for flattening chicken. It is a little awkward but the heavy flat bottom is perfect for whipping thighs and breasts in to shape. I feel a tiny bit guilty using the tea pot as a meat pounder however, so I am ready to give it up to a more appreciative home.

Status: Dibbed

1 comment :

  1. Me! Me please, it's super cute and I will use it and it will keep my tea warm for an extended period of time.

